Another interesting transnational activity organised during the fifth short-term exchange of groups of pupils, hosted online by the coordinating school from Dumbrăveni (Romania) was called “Invitation to read”. On Thursday, October 8th, 2020, each national team presented either a photo-voice exhibition on the topic of “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, which included significant quotes from the book, illustrative drawings made by children and a short presentation of the book, or a virtual tour through the library of the school, highlighting valuable books of well-known national authors.

As a conclusion of the activity, the participating pupils and teachers were invited to add words in their native languages regarding the experience of reading in a Word Cloud created using the interactive presentation software Mentimeter. The activity had as objectives to raise the pupils’ awareness regarding the preservation and valorisation of literacy heritage and the importance of books and literature in our lives.

Below you can see the materials created and presented by each participating team.


Our School library is a very interesting place. Firstly, our librarian Svetlana Semjonova is a writer. The library hosts exhibitions of books and drawings by students. Secondly, there is the Literary club with 34 students. Alina Malinovska interviewed the head of the club and the club participants.




Transnational activity “Invitation to read”
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