The final products of the “Hand to Hand – Together in Europe” partnership are the videos, PowerPoint presentations and other materials created by the pupils involved in the project from all the partner schools. During the creation of these products, they were constantly guided and supervised by the teachers in charge of the project clubs and by the English teachers. The products were created either during the monthly club activities organised at school level, or prepared for and presented during the exchange visits of the project.

The final products are organised into magazines, collections, club products and other products.

The magazines were created at the end of the first year of the project and at the end of the project’s lifetime, and contain photos, information and products, illustrating the activities carried out within the project at school level and during the exchange visits.

The most important products of the project were organised into four collections:

– the collection “Horizons without limits”, which includes pupils’ argumentative essays, prose and lyrics;

– the collection “Beyond the borders”, which gathers the pupils’ presentations from the five exchange visits of the project;

– the collection “Creativity in Europe”, which contains video clips with creative theatre performances and representations of folk tales;

– the collection “Music, Dance and Colour”, which comprises recordings of rare and authentic songs, folk dances and ancestral customs.

The club products are selected materials created by the members of the five clubs of the project during the monthly activities organised at school level that are not part of the four collections of the project.

Other products of the project include the logo and the anthem of the project, products created for the dissemination of the project and feedback materials received from the pupils after the exchange visits and at the end of the project.

The final products of the project have been uploaded on the Erasmus+ project Results Platform and will be visible on the project card after being reviewed at the following address: