Below you can read five of the best argumentative essays on the topic “Happiness consists first of all in health” written by the pupils from Liceul Tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni (Romania) in January 2019 as part of the collection “Horizons without limits”.

I agree that happiness consists first of all in health because I believe being healthy is the most important thing in a person’s life and therefore the key to happiness.
First of all, in my opinion, health is an immense treasure. Without it, we can’t truly enjoy the most beautiful moments of our lives or do all those things we love. Unfortunately, there are so many ill people who feel that life is passing them by and who are very unhappy and bitter. I know that we can’t choose our own fate, and sometimes life can lead us into the hospital, but what matters most is to stay positive and always hope for the best.
In addition, I think that health is more valuable than money. Some people think that if you have money, you have everything. But what about the things that cannot be bought? You definitely can’t buy health. There are so many diseases that are impossible to heal and sometimes no amount of money can help restore you to full health. Being healthy should be our highest priority.
In conclusion, I believe that, in the words of writer Leigh Hunt, “The groundwork of all happiness is health.” We all should appreciate our health more, because without it we cannot lead a full and happy life.

by Diana Vatamanu

In my opinion, we should all try to lead a healthy lifestyle because happiness comes into our soul through a healthy body. In fact, happiness depends on health and health depends on happiness!
Firstly, I believe that a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating well and exercising, is the best recipe for a happy life. By eating fast food and leading a sedentary life, we invite not only illness into our body, but also depression into our mind. For example, I used to eat fast food every day and stay in bed all day. During that period, I felt that my life was extremely boring, unproductive and gloomy. But one day, my cousin invited me to go running. I accepted his invitation and afterwards going for a run turned into a habit. From that moment on, I saw a big change in my life. I felt better, happier and more productive.
Secondly, I think that happiness is closely connected with health because a person’s level of happiness can really impact his/her health. We all heard the saying “Laughter is the best medicine.”, meaning that being happy, positive and cheerful can help us stay healthy. If you are constantly worried and your level of stress is high, your body also suffers and that in turn affects your mood.
To sum up, I believe that happiness comes into our soul when our body is healthy. Therefore, we must turn our life around and lead a healthy and productive lifestyle! Research shows that exercise helps reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, so don’t forget about running!

by Evelina Mihai

In my opinion, happiness doesn’t mean having lots of money and buying whatever you want. This can only bring a false feeling of happiness that lasts for a short while and leaves you wanting more. I think that, to be truly happy, you have to be first and foremost healthy.
I believe that health is a gift from God and one of the most important things that a person has to take care of. To be healthy, you must have a proper diet, you must go to the doctor regularly and you must exercise or practise a sport.
In turn, health gives you the energy and leisure to do the activities that you love and that make you happy. Creating a warm and pleasant atmosphere for your family and friends, and enjoying all the beautiful things in life, alongside your loved ones, are only possible if you are healthy.
In conclusion, we should all cherish our health because it brings us happiness. I would like to quote philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer who said “Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on our health alone.”

by Lorena Maria Zaiț

In my opinion, health is the most important thing we have, because without it we cannot fully enjoy our lives. Happiness disappears from our face and sadness takes its place. Unfortunately, most people realise how important health really is only when they get sick.
The road to a healthier and happier life does not pass through fast food restaurants and bars. Instead, we must head to the fields and gardens where fresh and tasty cereals, vegetables and fruit are cultivated and include those into our diet.
I believe that the key to health and happiness is temperance, not only regarding food, but also our whole lifestyle. We should strive to achieve balance and harmony in our lives. Many people are wasting their health to make a fortune, and then they spend their fortune to have their health back!
In conclusion, I think that in order to reach happiness, you must lead a healthy and balanced life. Never forget to value your health while you still have it!

by Naomi Pristavu

Health can be defined as the state of well-being that ensures our happiness. I believe that without illness and diseases, everybody would be much happier.
Unfortunately, as long as we feel well, we play with our health. We don’t want to admit that the things which some of us can’t do without, such as fast food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs, harm our health. Seeing one person suffer because of these substances doesn’t stop us from consuming them, believing that such a thing could never happen to us. Without realising it, we can get sick for a while or even for our entire life!
With illness, sadness also enters into our lives, but also into the lives of those who love us. All the problems that sick persons have to face prevent them and their families from leading a happy life. In the words of author and speaker Joyce Meyer, “I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”
In conclusion, you must take care of your health in order to be happy. Remember that to the world you are just one person, but to the people in your family you may well be the whole world!

by Denisa Ștefănucă

Romanian written products on the topic “Happiness consists first of all in health”
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