In May 2019, the clubs “The whisper of the past builds up the future” from all the partner schools worked on the topic “Europe Day”, aiming to acquaint pupils with the history of the European Union.

The pupils from Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Pierluigi” Palestrina from Palestrina (Italy) did research and created a PowerPoint presentation about the European Union. The pupils from Agrupamento de Escolas de Samora Correia from Samora Correia (Portugal) also prepared a PowerPoint presentation.

The members of the club “The whisper of the past builds up the future” from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey) received information about the topic and researched the history of the European Union. They prepared a questionnaire about the European Union which was administered to their schoolmates. They were also involved in organising the second exchange visit of the project hosted by their school by creating and presenting a PowerPoint material about historical and touristic activities in Turkey.

As the date of May 9th holds a triple significance for the history of Romania, namely Romania’s Independence Day, Victory Day against Nazi Germany, and Europe Day, the pupils from from Liceul Tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni (Romania) organised many activities in order to mark this triple celebration. They took part in a debate on the importance of this day in Romanian and European history, organized a workshop during which they created drawings and collages, and also presented information about the European Union in an entertaining way to their younger schoolmates with special educational needs. 

Activities carried out in May 2019