In January 2019, the members of the club “The whisper of the past builds up the future” from all partner schools worked on the topic “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” in order to raise pupils’ awareness about the topic of the Holocaust and to prevent discrimination and racism.

The club “The whisper of the past builds up the future” from Liceul Tehnologic ”Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni (Romania) marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27th) by researching the topic of the Holocaust and using the information to create a calendar and a flyer meant to inform and raise awareness about the horrors of the Holocaust and racism.

The members of the club “The whisper of the past builds up the future” from Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Pierluigi” Palestrina from Palestrina (Italy) watched documentaries about the Holocaust, such as “Son morto che ero bambino”, and interviews with survivors, such as Piero Terracina and Sami Modiano, who became friends during their imprisonment. They created posters about Piero Terracina and what happened on October 1943, when many Jewish people were taken away from their house, discussed and read some pages from the book “Gli angeli di Perlasca” about an Italian man who saved thousands of Jewish people in Budapest, and also attended the official commemoration together with the local politicians and the Student’s Council.

The pupils from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey) received information about the topic of the Holocaust and then prepared a PowerPoint presentation.

Activities carried out in January 2019