In February 2020, the club “It’s us! – songs and dances” within the project “Hand to Hand – Together in Europe” from Liceul Tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni (Romania) organised the contest “Songs of Romania” in order to select a traditional song and dance to be performed by the club members during the fourth exchange visit of the project scheduled to be hosted by partner school from Rīga (Latvia) between February 17th and 21st, 2020.
The contest included folk performances by six contestants from 3rd, 6th and 8th grades, while the jury and the audience consisted of pupils from classes VIII C and VIII D. The contestants were Miriam Mazarache, performing “Are mama o fetiță”, Elisa Bursuc, performing “Acasă-i România”, Anamaria Antonesei, performing “Amintirea cerne”, Bianca Biciușcă, performing “Constantine, Constantine”, Denisa Ștefănucă, performing “Bucovină, mândră floare” and Rianna Corduneanu, performing “Cântă cucul, bată-l vina”.
You can enjoy the beauty of the Romanian folk songs performed during the contest by watching the video product below.
In February 2020, the members of the club “It’s us! – songs and dances” from Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Pierluigi” Palestrina (Italy) worked on the topic entitled “Sweet musical notes”. During their first meeting, they carried out research about the ballet “La Danza delle Ore” from the opera “La Gioconda” by Italian composer Amilcare Ponchielli (1834-1886). During their second meeting, they created a choreography for this beautiful piece and recorded a video that you can watch below.