Rīgas 22. vidusskola is situated in Riga, the capital of Latvia. Nowadays there are more than 600 students and more than 50 teachers. We have some immigrants at our school. They are integrated in ordinary classes, some with extra resources. It is a general education school for students from 7 to 19 years old: primary school, low-secondary school and secondary school.
The educational process is carried out in six buildings. There are 42 classrooms, equipped with appropriate teaching material and technical equipment. Much attention is paid to bilingual and CLIL education (because there are students from bilingual families) and the development of teamwork skills. There is a special teacher for students with special needs. Our school understands how important it is to balance the study and the individuality of the child.
An intense cooperative work between the school and a lot of studios (Vocal studio, Dance studio, Ceramic studio, Guitar studio, Debate studio, Theatre studio) has enabled our school to support social projects. These events develop many skills: team work, artistic, musical and social skills. Many students (11-19) take part in the Debate studio. They participate in international competitions and win prizes. They can debate in Latvian, Russian and English. Since 2012 we have been involved in Comenius projects, KA2 Erasmus+ projects, the projects “Help the Earth: reuse, reduce, recycle” and CLIL, ecology education programs developing civic and aesthetic sense: “Eco city”, “Eco art”.
There is also a Ceramic studio in our school. Ceramic is an important thing in the history of Latvia. Many students take part in the Art studio. Our school has a long musical tradition. It organizes choral and instrumental groups for students.
All the teachers involved in the Erasmus+ School Exchange Partnership “Hand to Hand – Together in Europe” are teachers with a long experience, engaged in different professional development activities, such as: courses and workshops, education conferences and seminars, individual and collaborative research, monitoring and peer observation, observation visits to other schools, qualification programmes.
You can find out more about our school by watching the following video: