In December 2019, the project teams from all partner countries organised various dissemination activities in order to promote the activities carried out during the third short-term exchange of groups of pupils in the local and regional community, but also in the virtual community at national and international level.

Following this embedded ink you can read the article entitled “Erasmus 2019: all’Ic Pierluigi ‘Hand to hand – Together in Europe’” regarding the exchange visit published in the Italian local media:

This link allows you to read the article entitled “ŞEHİT ALİ AKSOY ORTAOKULU İTALYA’DAYDI” published in the Turkish local media:

The article “Călătorie în timp pentru participanţii la a treia vizită de schimb din cadrul proiectului ‚Hand to Hand – Together in Europe’” (“Time travel for the participants in the third exchange visit within the project ‘Hand to Hand – Together in Europe’”) regarding the third short-term exchange of groups of pupils published in the “Monitorul de Suceava” newspaper from the town of Suceava (Romania) is available here:

A true travel back in time for the participants, an opportunity to become acquainted with the historical heritage from all the partner countries and a chance to connect with people from other European countries were as many highlights of the third exchange visit of the project hosted by the partner school Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Pierluigi” Palestrina (Italy), that can be enjoyed in the dissemination video created by the Romanian project team.

Below you can also watch the dissemination video created by the Latvian project team.

Dissemination of the exchange visit to Italy
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