In March 2020, the members of the club “The magical world of fairy tales” from the partner school Rīgas 22. vidusskola from Rīga (Latvia) carried out research and created a PowerPoint presentation about the life and works of the Latvian
Activities carried out in March 2020
In March 2020, the members of the club “Art heritage” from the partner school Rīgas 22. vidusskola from Rīga (Latvia) drew pictures inspired by the collection “Tales about flowers”, published by the Latvian writer and translator Anna Sakse in 1966.
Activities carried out in March 2020
In March 2020, the members of the club “Nature wonders” from Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Pierluigi” Palestrina (Italy) carried out research on the topic of spring blooming and created a poster about the most important flowers and plants of the period.
Songs and dances recorded in January 2020
In January 2020, the members of the club “It’s us! – songs and dances” from the partner school Agrupamento de Escolas de Samora Correia from Samora Correia (Portugal) had rehearsals and held auditions, their activities resulting in enriching pupils’ knowledge
Summer activities organised by the Portuguese school
In July 2019, the partner school Agrupamento de Escolas de Samora Correia from Samora Correia organised its regular meetings for the club “Nature wonders”, which worked in the school aquarium on the topic “Environmental protection”, and also for the clubs
Dissemination of the exchange visit to Latvia
In February, the project teams from all partner countries organised various dissemination activities in order to promote the activities carried out during the fourth short-term exchange of groups of pupils in the local and regional community, but also in the
Pupils’ learning journals about the exchange visit to Latvia
The pupils who participated in the fourth short-term exchange of groups of pupils, hosted by the partner school Rīgas 22. vidusskola from Rīga (Latvia) between the 17th and 21st of February 2020, wrote reports or learning journals in order to
The “Music Box” activity organised during the exchange visit to Latvia
One of the most eagerly awaited activities organised during the fourth short-term exchange of groups of pupils, which was hosted by the partner school Rīgas 22. vidusskola from Rīga (Latvia) between the 17th and 21st of February 2020, was the
Music workshop organised during the exchange visit to Latvia
A special activity organised during the fourth short-term exchange of groups of pupils, which was hosted by the partner school Rīgas 22. vidusskola from Rīga (Latvia) between the 17th and 21st of February 2020, was the music workshop. On Thursday,
Traditional dances performed during the exchange visit to Latvia
Another series of amazing performances that delighted the audience during the fourth short-term exchange of groups of pupils, hosted by the partner school Rīgas 22. vidusskola from Rīga (Latvia) between the 17th and 21st of February 2020, was dedicated to