Material on the topic of traditional Romanian pottery, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Liceul Tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni from Dumbrăveni (Romania), in January 2019
Material with recordings of pupils practising the ancient technique of marbling, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey), in January 2019
Material with recordings of pupils practising traditional pottery-making techniques, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey), in February 2019
Material about two folk crafts related to the creation of textiles, namely decorating Romanian peasant blouses and traditional weaving, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Liceul Tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni from Dumbrăveni (Romania), in February 2019
Material on the topic “Spring seen through the eyes of children”, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Pierluigi” Palestrina from Palestrina (Italy), in March 2019
Material with recordings of pupils practising crocheting techniques, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey), in March 2019
Material with recordings of pupils painting Easter eggs, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey), in April 2019
Material with recordings of pupils practising carpet-weaving on vertical looms, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey), in June 2019
Material about the traditional Sorcova chant, an ancestral ritual performed by children on the morning of January 1st, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Liceul Tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni from Dumbrăveni (Romania), in January 2020
Virtual exhibition of drawings featuring the rainbow and the message “Andrà tutto bene”, created by the members of the club “Art heritage” from Istituto Comprensivo “Giovanni Pierluigi” Palestrina from Palestrina (Italy), in May 2020