In June 2019, the clubs “Nature wonders” from all the partner schools worked on the topic “Tourist attractions from my country/region”, aiming to promote cultural tourism and foster teamwork skills.
The pupils from Şehit Ali Aksoy Ortaokulu from Akhisar (Turkey) were first informed about the topic, and then they investigated attractive tourist destinations from Turkey and prepared a video about them.
Under the motto “Rediscover the beauty of little things”, the members of the club “Nature wonders” from Liceul Tehnologic “Mihai Eminescu” Dumbrăveni (Romania) took part in the fifth edition of the Festival of Light organised by the local Scout Center in the Central Park from Suceava on June 8th. Part of the largest scout festival from Romania, this event offered the participants the chance to take part in games meant to develop various physical and life skills, to receive books donated by pupils from Suceava in an activity called “You’ve outgrown your books” and to make paper lanterns called “gulguțe” that were later lit all over the park.